Thursday, January 20, 2011

On 1 John 2:18-29

In studying this passage for a couple of days, my deepest impression, believe it or not, is that the Lord, through John, coveys His deep concern for our hearts and souls.  Warning after warning comes concerning what deceptions will come.  Surely the picture of the antichrist is familiar to believers.  At least it should be.  But how do we know that they are antichrists? 

From the pulpit and the witness in my heart the answer is that we must know the Truth of the Word of God.  Study His character.  Search for scriptural principle.  Stay in context of the whole of scripture.  Then, comparison to the world’s standard can be made.  The lies and deceptions are exposed by the Light of the Word of God.  John’s description of the antichrist is full in the context of 1 John 2. 
1) Many antichrists will arise in the last hour (18)
2) They went out from among us  (19)
3) They are not for us although they will try to appear to be  (19)
4) They deny Jesus  (22,23)
5) They deny the Father  (22,23)
6) They deny the Truth by trying to deceive (26)
Mind you, the enemy of our souls is the father of lies, his native tongue is lying.  He masquerades as an angel of light.  Therefore, we must all the more know the true Light, and the Truth of the Light. The cunning of the deceiver is more insidious than ever now.  So, biblical wisdom and deep faith and trust need to be our tools and weapons.  Every article of our spiritual armor must be in place and reinforced continually so we can stand. Refresh yourself with Ephesians 6:10-18.

I could barely get over the example Pastor Mike used by quoting Karl Marx’s statement of faith eight years before he became one of the most wicked rulers in the 20th century.  He was clear in his statement but, boy, his heart and soul were never connected to it to have done the treacheries attributed to him. 

Our airways and media are full of such deceivers.  And we would do well to scrutinize before we believe anything but whole counsel of the Truth of God’s Word.

Here is a question I have for you all if you are following Pastor Mike’s sermons or have been studying along with me in 1 John 2. 
The word “anointing” appears in chapter 2 in verses 20 and verse 27 twice. What is this anointing? When did this happen? Why does it matter?

I would love to hear your thoughts.  Your responses mean so much to me.  It is an encouragement to me to see interest in the Lord’s Word and how you take it to heart. 

I am full of anticipation for your response AND to be filled with encouragement by the Truth concerning our confidence in Him and His Promise.

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