Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Hi You Guys,
I am so excited about studying Colossians inductively!  It is going to be great.  I have gotten all the information about how to study inductively and will have it all arranged in a notebook with the text of Colossians printed up for us to use together.  We'll be starting on Monday April 18th.  As you wait to begin, you can be reading through the entire book of Colossians a couple or three times to get the flow and intent of the letter. You'll be one step ahead of the game with that.
Please let me know that you are going to participate and if you will invite any friends to join us.  I want to be prepared for them.
My daughter Abi is going to do the first evening, introducing us to the inductive method, as she has been taught in it and is looking to practice teaching it.  Both of us are excited about this.  I hope you are too!
Let me hear from you and pray for God to speak to us as we learn to study God's Word for ourselves under the direction of the Holy Spirit within us!

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