Wednesday, February 9, 2011


To post a comment on the blogspot…

  1. You need a platform from which to comment.  
  2. Do you have a google account?  There is a sign-in button at the top right hand corner of the blog post page. 
  3. If you have a google account, sign in and then post a comment. 
  4. If you don’t have a google account, all you have to do to open one is 
  5. click the sign in button and they will ask you to sign in. 
  6. They give you the opportunity up there to sign up OR create an account. Put in your email address and make a password. 
  7. Then, when you post a comment, you will see, just below the comment box, a line that says, “comment as” and then a drop down box.  The list will include “google”.  
  8. Click on in and it will ask you to sign into your google account.  
  9. There is a handicap word they ask you to type, one of those swirly, words, for security reasons. 
  10. Then you can post….it sounds complicated, but it really isn't.

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