Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Hi You Guys,
I am so excited about studying Colossians inductively!  It is going to be great.  I have gotten all the information about how to study inductively and will have it all arranged in a notebook with the text of Colossians printed up for us to use together.  We'll be starting on Monday April 18th.  As you wait to begin, you can be reading through the entire book of Colossians a couple or three times to get the flow and intent of the letter. You'll be one step ahead of the game with that.
Please let me know that you are going to participate and if you will invite any friends to join us.  I want to be prepared for them.
My daughter Abi is going to do the first evening, introducing us to the inductive method, as she has been taught in it and is looking to practice teaching it.  Both of us are excited about this.  I hope you are too!
Let me hear from you and pray for God to speak to us as we learn to study God's Word for ourselves under the direction of the Holy Spirit within us!


At long last, I have arrived at a time when I believe I can begin into a new project!  After having a blessed rest in Monterey, CA with no demands, time alone meditating on scripture with just God and me, and much physical rest, I am truly looking forward to beginning anew. I actually am pretty pumped!

My meditations last week were in Psalm 119 where the psalmist sounds like some kind of goodie-two-shoes where he talks about only meditating on and walking in blameless ways always!  Who is this person?!?!

As a New Testament believer, under the law of grace Romans 6:14-15 and living by the commandment of love Mark 12:30-31, as I read, I replaced “law”, “precept”, “rules”, “statues” with “the law of grace” and when I read “commandments” I inserted the fullness of “loving the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength” and “your neighbor as yourself”.  When I did this, there was a transformation and challenge of how to apply that “law of grace” and “commandment to love” and see how it applied to 
my everyday life and attitude.

My focus was on the WAW, the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which corresponded to verses 41-48. Here is how it went:
 “Let your steadfast (resolutely unchanging) love come to me, O God, your salvation according to your promise; then shall I have an answer for him who taunts me (the enemy, Deceiver, Satan), for I trust in your Word. And take not the word of truth (God’s Word of Holy Scripture) utterly out of my mouth for my hope is in your rules (law of grace).  I will keep your law (of grace) continually, forever and ever, and I shall walk in a wide place (security, peace, freedom, gracious place) for I have sought your precepts. (law of grace). I will also speak of your testimonies (written or spoken proof of existence) before kings and shall not be put to shame, for I delight in your commandments (to love) which I love.  I will lift up my hands (worship) toward your commandments (to love) which I love, and I will meditate on your statutes (law of grace). ***all parentheticals mine

All of the actions and thoughts are motivated out of gratitude toward God for His grace and provision, not fear of punishment.  Punishment was fully taken by Jesus on the cross.  Discipline and consequence surely follow our rebellion against God’s way, but it is inextricably mixed with His love to bring our hearts back to that “wide place” of security, freedom, mercy and grace IN HIM.  It is God’s heart’s desire for us to love Him back….He’ll do anything to rescue us and bring our hearts to His.

Living bound by the law of grace, I am free to love and see God’s work in my life and in the lives of those around me.  I’m free to live for God where He has seen fit to place me, in the ministries He’s placed me, with security and peace. It is wonderful work and rest!